The second installment of Ron Vitale's Cinderella series picks up 10 years after the first book ended. Cinderella is in early America, in the Indian Territories. (What? Yes. Really. Pioneer Cinderella.) A pregnant Cinderella and her mentor, Renee, left England at the request of Queen Charlotte of England, because of her powers or because the Queen (her mother-in-law) just didn't like her. Who knows?
Ten years on, Cinderella has dreams about the evil fairy queen Mab trying to hurt her and her daughter, and she worries that these dreams will come true, fights off Indians with her magic, and is as stubborn and selfish as she was in the first book.
However, unlike the first in the series, I couldn't finish this one. The syntax and speech of the characters is like reading something written by Yoda; I'm not trying to be cruel, but an editor would have come in handy. It was choppy and hard to understand. By the time I got through half of it, I just didn't care about the characters any longer.
I'm sorry.. one star.
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